15 Piece Opaque Black/Blue Polyhedral Dice Set (D3-D100)

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15 Piece Opaque Black/Blue Polyhedral Dice Set (D3-D100)

Dice Set: D3, D4, D5, D6, D7, D8, D10(0-9), D10(00-90), D12, D16, D20, D24, D30, D60, D100

Size: D3(16mm), D4(16mm), D5(20mm), D6(16mm), D7(20mm), D8(17.1mm), D10(0-9)(15.66mm), D10(00-90)(15.66mm),

D12(18.4mm), D16(19.7mm), D20(19.76mm), D24(23.5mm), D30(24.66mm), D60(35.5mm), D100(48.7mm)

Font color: Red, Yellow, Green, Blue, Purple, White

Weight: 168g/set

Material: Acrylic

The D3 is a D6 with Roman Numerals I, II, and III on it twice.

The D7 is a special design with an odd number of sides so the numbers are engraved on the edges to show properly when rolled.

Easy to roll and read

Well balanced

Smooth, Durable

Excellent hand-feel